Water Remediation

On-site generation of the oxygen molecule is often required to help sustain an in-situ biomass.



Groundwater remediation, or the removal of trace contaminants of concern from groundwater, is often the result of failed litigation. Also, this application requires the temporary supply of a treatment train on a lease basis. As a result - both the capital and operating costs of a treatment system are significantly reduced.

Further, the on-site generation of the oxygen molecule is required to help sustain an in-situ biomass. On-site oxygen generation also assists in the production of the ozone.


Often, the treatment trains are in remote locations. PCI offers technologies that are not only cost competitive but robust; they are, in fact, best in class. In addition, PCI offers remote diagnostics and alarming, so that if maintenance is required, the appropriate personnel are contacted and sent to the site.

Water and Environment Products



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